東北三県の旅 – 福島編 My Trip Through 3 Prefectures of the Touhoku Region – The Fukushima Chapter

0.はじめに / Introduction
1.放射線測定器を買ってみた / I Bought a Radiation Detector
2.福島-津波と原発 / Fukushima Tsunami and Nuclear Power Plant
4.宮城-岩手 奇跡の一本松へ / The Scenery from the train from Miyagi to Iwate.
2.福島 津波と原発 – Fukushima – the Tsunami & Nuclear Power Plant
I took the ‘Yamabiko’ Shinkansen from Tokyo to the Touhou Region, after approximately one and a half hours later I arrived at Fukushima station. The weather was fine, unlike the heat of the approaching summer in Tokyo, it was just warm enough to walk around in short sleeves.
The first thing I did was pick up the rental car that I reserved at Fukushima station. For this trip I didn’t have any particular plans, I decided I would just go on a drive along the coast line and stop if I found anything noteworthy.
The one thing I actually planned to do was to go to Ukedo port, which is considerably close to the nuclear power plant.
I could have gone straight to the port but I wanted to somewhat prepare myself mentally first.
8:50 福島駅 – Fukushima Station
I start my drive.
I decide to head straight east for Fukushima station, towards the coast.
福島駅 – Fukushima station:0.14μSv/h
11:00 南相馬市 – Minamisōma City.
Not far from the coast now! This is what I was thinking as I happened across big open space that look like a meadow.Was it a rice field? A vacant lot?
I looked at my GPS, there should have been a residential zone here. As I slowly move on, I see some trees just standing there and I finally realize.
The bark was torn from these trees, higher up than I could even see. This is where the tsunami passed though.
There is nothing here. The scarce houses that remained were in shambles having been hit by the tsunami.
更地 – The Vacant lot:0.11μSv/h
八坂神社前周辺 – the front area of Yasaka Shinto shrine:0.24μSv/h
I was shocked, I didn’t get a chance to prepare myself mentally after all. Despite this I once again headed east, earnestly aiming for the coast. This time I came across a small, brand-new shrine.
There was a stone monument for the people, pets and livestock that had died. It really hit home that people were living their lives here.
関連記事 – related article:http://www.asahi.com/special/10005/TKY201301010309.html
△google earth
Finally I reach the coast.
I climb the large crumbling concrete seawall and look out to sea.
Fukushima – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Being born close to the sea, I love to gaze out to sea.
But today, the sea scares me.
12:00 道の駅 南相馬で昼食 – The Roadside station – Lunch at Minamisōma
道の駅で焼きそばを食べ、おやつに名物の「凍天 しみてん」を食べた。
At the Roadside station I had Yakisoba (fried noodles) and a Shimiten, a local specialty, similar to a donut. Inside this fried donut there was a rice cake that tasted of mugwort, it was delicious.
This time I decided to head south.
I look along the seaside, I see nothing but the same vacant lots as earlier. I notice something yellow off in the distance. It made me curious so I went to check it out.
13:00 菜の花畑 – The Field of Rapeseed
What I found when I got closer were some large carp streamers and field of rape blossoms.
鯉のぼり – Carp streamer:A flag put up to celebrate Children’s Day [5th May].
たくさんの子供達が遊び、とても楽しい空間だが、一面に咲く菜の花の向こうには小さな祠(small shrines)があり、さらにその向こうには海が見える。
The surrounding area was as empty as everywhere else, except for 2 houses. The house on the left had only its first floor swept away by the tsunami, the one on the right was newly built.
I talked to the people who were managing the area and found out that both houses where owned by the same person.
In front of the houses were some handmade playground equipment and a maze made from the rape blossoms.
There were many children playing, it was a fun environment but beyond the wall of rape blossoms lay the shrines and farther yet the ocean. Despite the beautiful scenery before me, I couldn’t help but be saddened.
関連記事 – Related article:http://www.kahoku.co.jp/tohokunews/201405/20140505_65006.html
I head further south.
On narrow road along the seaside I begin to see more and more ‘no-entry’ signs.
14:00 Uターン – U-turn
The scenery changes completely in the area passed Odakagawa. There were still empty lots just like before only now that were filled houses washed away by the tsunami, cars flipped over and mountains of rubble left to be.
As I see these scenes I get the growing feeling that I’m getting closer to the nuclear power plant. All around me I feel no human presence what so ever.
There were houses with broken windows and curtains blowing in the wind, flowers blooming despite not being planted by anyone… It was like a ghost town.
I was shocked before by the ‘nothingness’ but the reality was far worse.
That there is nothing here means that people have finished with the removal of rubble, that even if only by a little, improvement can be seen.
Even so, it feels like this area was abandoned by the world and is as it was 3 years ago.
国道6号線の途中:0.23μSv/h 測定中に風向きによっては0.30μSv/hの数値をさしていた。
On Japan National Route 6: 0.23μSv/h Due to wind direction during the measuring I had a reading of 0.30μSv/h
There are signs and notices saying ‘No unauthorised vehicles beyond this point’.
Knowing I can no longer go to Ukedo port, my objective, I make a U-turn and head for Sendai in the Miyagi Prefecture.
【Writer】Tokyo de Asobo:Yoshida