もの型(がた)り 展 – Monogatari Exhibitionもの型(がた)り 展 – Monogatari Exhibition

もの型(がた)り展 〜近くて、遠いをもっと身近に。東京の職人たち〜
Monogatari ~Tokyo Artisans bringing the “so near yet so far”, closer to home~
Dedicated to the sale of Japanese Design – goods that fuse ancient craftsmanship with modern lifestyle design – specialty store Rin will be holding an exhibition showcasing the talents of the artisan group Monogatari. The name “Mongatari” is a combination of the Japanese word for ‘story’ and a character with the same pronunciation meaning ‘the shape of an object’ to create a word meaning “objects that shape a story”. The group’s traditional techniques have been passed down from the Edo Period (1603-1867) and will be featured in live demonstrations, presentations, as well as interactive workshops.
The Monogatari Exhibition is about communicating a love for authentic, traditional works as well as creations that have characteristically modern style to a larger audience. The intention is to bring historic, traditional crafts closer to home, allowing people to touch and be touched by these pieces of art.
・開催概要 -Exhibition Outline
・「もの型り」について -About “Monogatari”
1.作品の展示販売等 -Exhibits and Sales Information
2.制作実演 -Live Demonstrations
3.ワークショップ -Workshops
4.トークショー -Presentation
開催概要 -Exhibition Outline
もの型(がた)り展 -近くて、遠いをもっと身近に。東京の職人たち-
Monogatari Exhibition -Tokyo Artisans bringing the so near yet so far, closer to home-
開催日時 – Dates and Times
Thursday 19 – Sunday 22 June 2014
Open daily 11am – 8pm (Sunday 22nd until 6pm)
会場 – Location
2 Chome Kanda Awajichō, Chiyoda-ku, Tōkyō-to
Waterras Common, 2nd Floor Gallery (Thursday 19 – Sunday 22 June)
Waterras Common, 1st Floor Salon (Sunday 22nd only)
実施内容 – Exhibition Details
Visitors are able to observe traditions passed down from the Edo Period (1603-1867) and view up close, the work of those who have dedicated themselves to creating authentic pieces. Visitors can talk to and learn from the artisans themselves in live demonstrations and workshops, as well as listen to their stories in the presentation event that will also be running. There is the opportunity to take home the works they have enjoyed with sales being conducted alongside the displays.
1. Information about Monogatari’s exhibits and sales (Schedule for 2nd Floor Gallery)
2.制作実演 – Live Demonstrations
[Thursday 19, Friday 20 June]
Demonstration on the art of making Japanese tabi socks and ornate hair pins.[Saturday 21, Sunday 22 June]
Demonstration on how traditional Japanese dolls and tortoiseshell ornaments are made.
3.ワークショップ – Workshops
・ 江戸切子制作体験
・ 手植えブラシ制作体験
・ マイエコバックの型染体験
>More Details
(Sunday 22 June only, 1st Floor Salon)Craftsmanship Experience Workshops
Edo Faceted Glass Workshop
Homemade Brush Workshop
Totebag Dyeing Workshop
Cloth Wrapping Workshop
4.トークショー – Presentation
(Saturday 21 June only, 2nd Floor Gallery)
もの「型」りについて – About “Monogatari”
Source: http://edomono.exblog.jp/
Monogatari are a group of artisans who incorporate the idea of creating authentic pieces that tell a story – with skills that have been passed down by those before them, to create traditional crafts with a modern flair.
<出品者(もの「型」りメンバー)/ Exhibitors (Monogatari’s members)>
【江戸指物】益田 大祐 / 【染絵てぬぐい】川上 正洋 / 【江戸木彫】横谷 明則 / 【江戸切子】山田 真照 / 【足袋仕立て】石井 健介 / 【江戸べっ甲】磯貝 英之 / 【手植えブラシ】青山 大輔 / 【市松人形】山崎 明咲 / 【東京染小紋】岩下 江美佳 / 【簪(かんざし)】石橋 千絵子
Daisuke Masuda (Edo Period Cabinetwork)
Hideyuki Isogai (Edo Period Tortoiseshell Ornaments)
Masahiro Kawakami (Hand-dyed Tea Towels)
Daisuke Aoyama (Homemade Brushes)
Akinori Yokoya (Edo Period Woodcarvings)
Meisho Yamazaki (Traditional Japanese Dolls)
Masaki Yamada (Edo Period Faceted Glass)
Emika Iwashita (Tokyo-styled Fine Pattern Dyeing)
Kensuke Ishi (Tabi Socks Tailoring)
Chieko Ishibashi (Ornate Hair Pins)
1.展示販売等 – Exhibits and Sales Details
- 開催場所
ワテラスコモン2Fギャラリー - 開催日時
2014年6月19日(木)〜21日(土)11:00〜20:00、6月22日(日)11:00〜18:00 - 実施内容
もの「型」りメンバーの作品を2Fギャラリーに展示し、販売を行います。また、修理・修復・お誂え(おあつらえ)の相談なども随時受け付け、職人との対話を楽しみながら、見学、購入ができるような場の提供を行います。 - 出品内容
Location: Waterras Common, 2nd Floor Gallery
Dates and Times: Thursday 19 – Sunday 22 June 2014
Open daily 11am – 8pm (Sunday 22nd until 6pm)Details:
Pieces by Monogatari’s members will be displayed on the second floor gallery. Sale of the products will also be available on this floor as well as answering any queries about repairs, restorations and preorders. Our aim is to create an atmosphere where visitors can talk to and learn from the artisans, as well as inquire about the purchase of works.Items on Exhibit:
Edo Period Cabinetwork, Hand-dyed Tea Towels, Edo Period Woodcarvings, Edo Period Faceted Glass, Tabi Socks Tailoring, Edo Period Tortoiseshell Ornaments, Homemade Brushes, Traditional Japanese Dolls, Tokyo-styled Fine Pattern Dyeing and Ornate Hair Pins.Prices range from ¥1,000 to ¥100,000+
- 開催場所
ワテラスコモン2Fギャラリー - 開催日時
2014年6月19日(木)〜21日(日)11:00〜20:00、2014年6月22日(日)11:00〜18:00 - 実施内容
- 開催場所
ワテラスコモン1Fサロン - 開催日時
2014年6月22日(日)11:00〜18:00 - 実施内容:以下の3つのワークショップを行う予定です。
1. Craftsmanship Experience Workshops
Location: Waterras Common, 1st Floor Salon
Date and Time: Sunday 22 June, 11am-6pm
Details: The following three types of workshops below will be run.
Type 1: Totebag Dyeing Workshop
Participants will be able to personalise a plain totebag, using various patterns available to dye the bag. Once completed, participants can take their personalised bags home. Female participants will be able to enjoy a relaxing session where they can talking to fellow craft enthusiasts while personalising their bags.
Time Required: Approx 20-30 minutes
Capacity: 20 people
Participation Fee: ¥1,500 (¥1,300 per session from the second time onwards)
Type 2: Edo Period Faceted Glass Workshop
Participants can choose either a saucer or paperweight to draw designs on with texters. They will then be gently guided through the process of faceting their designs onto glass. Participants will be able to take the completed objects home with them.
Time Required: Approx 15 minutes
Capacity: N/A
Participation Fee: ¥1,500 (¥1,300 per session from the second time onwards)
Type 3: Homemade Brush Workshop
Using horsehair, participants will be able to create their very own handmade brush. By doing so, participants can experience the depth involved with creating a bursh hair by hair. Participants will be able to take completed brushes home.
Time Required: Approx 30 minutes
Capacity: N/A
Participation Fee: ¥1,500 (¥1,300 per session from the second time onwards)
【開催日時】6/19(木)・6/20(金) 両日18:30~19:30
2. Cloth Wrapping Workshop
Participants will learn how to use decorative cloth to wrap and package objects.Date and Times: Thursday 19 and Friday 20 June, 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Participation Fee: ¥500 (Free cloths provided to participants)
Capacity: 6 people per day (Advance bookings available)
Location: Waterras Common, 2nd Floor Gallery
4.トークショー – Talk show
- 開催場所
ワテラスコモン2Fギャラリー - 開催日時
2014年6月21日(土)14:00~15:00(開場:13:30) - 実施内容
○ 価格:無料
○ 定員:30名
Location: Waterras Common, 2nd Floor Gallery
Date and Time: Saturday 21 June, 2pm-3pm (Doors open 1:30pm)
Details: Presentation by traditional Japanese doll specialist Meisho Yamazaki and tortoiseshell crafts specialist Hideyuki Isogai on their skills and the making of their works.
Admission: Free
Capacity: 30 people
※Finger food as well as Rin’s original brand of green tea, Rincha will be provided.
【Writer】Tokyo de Asobo:Yoshida
【Provision Of Information】
Rin http://rin-japan.jp/
Blog:http://ameblo.jp/rin-staffblog/もの型(がた)り展 〜近くて、遠いをもっと身近に。東京の職人たち〜
Monogatari ~Tokyo Artisans bringing the “so near yet so far”, closer to home~
Dedicated to the sale of Japanese Design – goods that fuse ancient craftsmanship with modern lifestyle design – specialty store Rin will be holding an exhibition showcasing the talents of the artisan group Monogatari. The name “Mongatari” is a combination of the Japanese word for ‘story’ and a character with the same pronunciation meaning ‘the shape of an object’ to create a word meaning “objects that shape a story”. The group’s traditional techniques have been passed down from the Edo Period (1603-1867) and will be featured in live demonstrations, presentations, as well as interactive workshops.
The Monogatari Exhibition is about communicating a love for authentic, traditional works as well as creations that have characteristically modern style to a larger audience. The intention is to bring historic, traditional crafts closer to home, allowing people to touch and be touched by these pieces of art.
・開催概要 -Exhibition Outline
・「もの型り」について -About “Monogatari”
1.作品の展示販売等 -Exhibits and Sales Information
2.制作実演 -Live Demonstrations
3.ワークショップ -Workshops
4.トークショー -Presentation
開催概要 -Exhibition Outline
もの型(がた)り展 -近くて、遠いをもっと身近に。東京の職人たち-
Monogatari Exhibition -Tokyo Artisans bringing the so near yet so far, closer to home-
開催日時 – Dates and Times
Thursday 19 – Sunday 22 June 2014
Open daily 11am – 8pm (Sunday 22nd until 6pm)
会場 – Location
2 Chome Kanda Awajichō, Chiyoda-ku, Tōkyō-to
Waterras Common, 2nd Floor Gallery (Thursday 19 – Sunday 22 June)
Waterras Common, 1st Floor Salon (Sunday 22nd only)
実施内容 – Exhibition Details
Visitors are able to observe traditions passed down from the Edo Period (1603-1867) and view up close, the work of those who have dedicated themselves to creating authentic pieces. Visitors can talk to and learn from the artisans themselves in live demonstrations and workshops, as well as listen to their stories in the presentation event that will also be running. There is the opportunity to take home the works they have enjoyed with sales being conducted alongside the displays.
1. Information about Monogatari’s exhibits and sales (Schedule for 2nd Floor Gallery)
2.制作実演 – Live Demonstrations
[Thursday 19, Friday 20 June]
Demonstration on the art of making Japanese tabi socks and ornate hair pins.[Saturday 21, Sunday 22 June]
Demonstration on how traditional Japanese dolls and tortoiseshell ornaments are made.
3.ワークショップ – Workshops
・ 江戸切子制作体験
・ 手植えブラシ制作体験
・ マイエコバックの型染体験
>More Details
(Sunday 22 June only, 1st Floor Salon)Craftsmanship Experience Workshops
Edo Faceted Glass Workshop
Homemade Brush Workshop
Totebag Dyeing Workshop
Cloth Wrapping Workshop
4.トークショー – Presentation
(Saturday 21 June only, 2nd Floor Gallery)
もの「型」りについて – About “Monogatari”
Source: http://edomono.exblog.jp/
Monogatari are a group of artisans who incorporate the idea of creating authentic pieces that tell a story – with skills that have been passed down by those before them, to create traditional crafts with a modern flair.
<出品者(もの「型」りメンバー)/ Exhibitors (Monogatari’s members)>
【江戸指物】益田 大祐 / 【染絵てぬぐい】川上 正洋 / 【江戸木彫】横谷 明則 / 【江戸切子】山田 真照 / 【足袋仕立て】石井 健介 / 【江戸べっ甲】磯貝 英之 / 【手植えブラシ】青山 大輔 / 【市松人形】山崎 明咲 / 【東京染小紋】岩下 江美佳 / 【簪(かんざし)】石橋 千絵子
Daisuke Masuda (Edo Period Cabinetwork)
Hideyuki Isogai (Edo Period Tortoiseshell Ornaments)
Masahiro Kawakami (Hand-dyed Tea Towels)
Daisuke Aoyama (Homemade Brushes)
Akinori Yokoya (Edo Period Woodcarvings)
Meisho Yamazaki (Traditional Japanese Dolls)
Masaki Yamada (Edo Period Faceted Glass)
Emika Iwashita (Tokyo-styled Fine Pattern Dyeing)
Kensuke Ishi (Tabi Socks Tailoring)
Chieko Ishibashi (Ornate Hair Pins)
1.展示販売等 – Exhibits and Sales Details
- 開催場所
ワテラスコモン2Fギャラリー - 開催日時
2014年6月19日(木)〜21日(土)11:00〜20:00、6月22日(日)11:00〜18:00 - 実施内容
もの「型」りメンバーの作品を2Fギャラリーに展示し、販売を行います。また、修理・修復・お誂え(おあつらえ)の相談なども随時受け付け、職人との対話を楽しみながら、見学、購入ができるような場の提供を行います。 - 出品内容
Location: Waterras Common, 2nd Floor Gallery
Dates and Times: Thursday 19 – Sunday 22 June 2014
Open daily 11am – 8pm (Sunday 22nd until 6pm)Details:
Pieces by Monogatari’s members will be displayed on the second floor gallery. Sale of the products will also be available on this floor as well as answering any queries about repairs, restorations and preorders. Our aim is to create an atmosphere where visitors can talk to and learn from the artisans, as well as inquire about the purchase of works.Items on Exhibit:
Edo Period Cabinetwork, Hand-dyed Tea Towels, Edo Period Woodcarvings, Edo Period Faceted Glass, Tabi Socks Tailoring, Edo Period Tortoiseshell Ornaments, Homemade Brushes, Traditional Japanese Dolls, Tokyo-styled Fine Pattern Dyeing and Ornate Hair Pins.Prices range from ¥1,000 to ¥100,000+
- 開催場所
ワテラスコモン2Fギャラリー - 開催日時
2014年6月19日(木)〜21日(日)11:00〜20:00、2014年6月22日(日)11:00〜18:00 - 実施内容
- 開催場所
ワテラスコモン1Fサロン - 開催日時
2014年6月22日(日)11:00〜18:00 - 実施内容:以下の3つのワークショップを行う予定です。
1. Craftsmanship Experience Workshops
Location: Waterras Common, 1st Floor Salon
Date and Time: Sunday 22 June, 11am-6pm
Details: The following three types of workshops below will be run.
Type 1: Totebag Dyeing Workshop
Participants will be able to personalise a plain totebag, using various patterns available to dye the bag. Once completed, participants can take their personalised bags home. Female participants will be able to enjoy a relaxing session where they can talking to fellow craft enthusiasts while personalising their bags.
Time Required: Approx 20-30 minutes
Capacity: 20 people
Participation Fee: ¥1,500 (¥1,300 per session from the second time onwards)
Type 2: Edo Period Faceted Glass Workshop
Participants can choose either a saucer or paperweight to draw designs on with texters. They will then be gently guided through the process of faceting their designs onto glass. Participants will be able to take the completed objects home with them.
Time Required: Approx 15 minutes
Capacity: N/A
Participation Fee: ¥1,500 (¥1,300 per session from the second time onwards)
Type 3: Homemade Brush Workshop
Using horsehair, participants will be able to create their very own handmade brush. By doing so, participants can experience the depth involved with creating a bursh hair by hair. Participants will be able to take completed brushes home.
Time Required: Approx 30 minutes
Capacity: N/A
Participation Fee: ¥1,500 (¥1,300 per session from the second time onwards)
【開催日時】6/19(木)・6/20(金) 両日18:30~19:30
2. Cloth Wrapping Workshop
Participants will learn how to use decorative cloth to wrap and package objects.Date and Times: Thursday 19 and Friday 20 June, 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Participation Fee: ¥500 (Free cloths provided to participants)
Capacity: 6 people per day (Advance bookings available)
Location: Waterras Common, 2nd Floor Gallery
4.トークショー – Talk show
- 開催場所
ワテラスコモン2Fギャラリー - 開催日時
2014年6月21日(土)14:00~15:00(開場:13:30) - 実施内容
○ 価格:無料
○ 定員:30名
Location: Waterras Common, 2nd Floor Gallery
Date and Time: Saturday 21 June, 2pm-3pm (Doors open 1:30pm)
Details: Presentation by traditional Japanese doll specialist Meisho Yamazaki and tortoiseshell crafts specialist Hideyuki Isogai on their skills and the making of their works.
Admission: Free
Capacity: 30 people
※Finger food as well as Rin’s original brand of green tea, Rincha will be provided.
【Writer】Tokyo de Asobo:Yoshida
【Provision Of Information】
Rin http://rin-japan.jp/