東北三県の旅 – 宮城グルメ & Airbnb体験 – My Trip Through 3 Prefectures of the Touhoku Region – Miyagi Gourmet Food & Using Airbnb

0.はじめに / Introduction
1.放射線測定器を買ってみた / I Bought a Radiation Detector
2.福島-津波と原発 / Fukushima Tsunami and Nuclear Power Plant
4.宮城-岩手 奇跡の一本松へ / The Scenery from the train from Miyagi to Iwate.
1日目 17:00 仙台市到着 – Day 1. 17:00, Arrived in Sendai
夕飯を食べるにはまだ早いので、 「せんだいメディアテーク」に行くことにした。
ここは世界的に有名な伊東豊雄 / Toyo Ito 氏が設計した図書館などがある公共施設。
It was still too early to have dinner so I decided to go to the Sendai Mediatheque.
It’s a public facility which includes the library that was designed by the world famous Toyo Ito. Overcoming the damage from the earthquake it is back to its former beauty.
- 図書館 – Library
- 休憩所 – Resting place
- ショップ – KANEIRI Museum Shop 6
18:00 夕飯 牛タンの御家騒動 – 18:00 Dinner, the ‘Gyutan’ Family Feud.
仙台は牛タン(Gyu-tan is a cattle’s tongue.)が有名。 夕飯は「旨味 太助(Umaaji Tasuke)」という店で食事をすることにした。
Sendai is famous for gyu-tan, (ox tongue). I decided to eat at a restaurant called Umaaji Tasuke.


【「味 太助」と「旨味 太助」一切何等関係もなくなりましたのでお知らせいたします。】 どこの国でもこういうことはあるのだろうか? 「旨味 太助」の牛タンは今まで食べた牛タンの中で一番美味しかった。 さてどちらが美味しいのでしょう? 今度は味 太助の牛タンも食べてみたい。
【 Please note that Aji Tasuke and Umaaji Tasuke are no longer related in anyway or form. (Aji Tasuke is another gyu-tan restaurant)】I wonder if this kind of thing happens in other countries.
The gyu-tan I had here at Umaaji Tasuke was the best I’ve ever had. Now I wonder which tastes better, next time I will have to eat at Aji Tasuke to find out.
Airbnb(Air b and b)というwebサービスをご存知ですか?
Airbnbでは、宿泊したい地域から部屋を検索し、日程や条件がマッチした一般家庭などに 賃料を支払って宿泊の約束を取ることができる世界規模のサービス。
日本でも宿泊先として登録している人も多く、そのほとんどが普通の家である。 ホテルに泊まる予定だったが、空室がなかったのでこのサービスを利用して宿泊先を確保していた。
Do you know of the website Airbnb(Air b and b)? This website offers a world-wide service where you can search for rooms in the regions you want to stay in and find an average household etc. that matches your schedule and conditions, allowing you to pay the lodging fee and book accommodation.
Even in japan there are many people who are registered as lodgings hosts, most of which are normal houses. I had planned to stay in a hotel but as there were no vacant rooms I used this website to secure my lodgings.
21:00 宿泊先到着 – 21:00, Arrived at my Lodgings
そこには立派な茶室があり、なんと本格的な抹茶(Macha)でもてなされた。(be given a cordial reception )
このホストは江戸千家という茶道の師範で、ひとつひとつの所作を丁寧にやさしく教えてくれた。 日本人でもなかなか経験できない良い経験をさせてもらった。
The house I arrived at was a grand, Japanese style house. The host who came to greet me was a man well dressed in a Kimono.
“Welcome, would you care for some tea”? He asked. I was expecting him to bring out some Nihon-cha (green tea) but instead I was taken to a garden.
There was a magnificent tea room, in which I was treated to some authentic macha.
My host was Senke Edo, a tea ceremony instructor. He kindly taught me the etiquette of tea ceremony. It was a great experience that not even many Japanese get to opportunity to experience.

奥さんが半分日本人のハーフで、「じっちゃん、ばっちゃん(彼はここだけ日本語で言っていた)」に 孫を見せに来たらしい。
2011年にニュージーランドも震災にあい、なかなか復興しないのに比べて 日本はすごいスピードで復興していることに驚いていた。
The same day, including myself, there were 3 groups staying at this house. Amongst us 1 group was a family from Australia, of which the father I was able to have a conversation with.
His wife was half Japanese, they had come to show their child to ‘Jicchan, Bacchan’(grandpa and grandma) this was the only thing he said in Japanese.
In 2011 New Zealand also had an earthquake. He was surprised as how much faster Japan was recovering compared to New Zealand even though not much had been done.
It was a fun night, we talked and talked about the earthquake, Japan, about Japanese and other languages.
2日目 朝 地震 – Day 2, Morning, the Earthquake
東京では久々に震度5(intensity 5 = Magnitude 8.8)を記録。最近の中ではかなり大きい地震だ。
一日かけて震災の現場を見たばかりだったので 小さな地震ではあったが、いつもより緊張した。
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There were two albums, one was of his beautiful home town before the earthquake, the other, of what remained of it afterwards.
He told me stories of his town and his experiences during the earthquake as we looked through them
7:00 出発 – 7:00, Departure
So begins day 2 of my journey.
8:00 朝食はオリジナル海鮮丼 – 8:00, an Original Seafood bowl Breakfast.
塩釜港到着。 ここも津波の被害にあっていたが、元の風景を知らない私にはとても穏やかな風景に見えた。
I arrive in Shiogama Port. This place was also damaged by the tsunami, though to me, not knowing what it looked like previously, the scenery looked very peaceful. I moved on to the Shiogama seafood middle trader market to have breakfast. The recommended dish here is the ‘original bowl’.
1) 市場内で好きな魚介類を買う (この時かったのはエビ、マグロ、イクラ、ウニ)
2) 300円で白ご飯とみそ汁を買う ご飯は酢飯(vinegared rice)にもできる
3)ご飯の上に買って来た魚介を盛り、オリジナル丼の完成! 好きな魚介類を好きなだけのせられるとても贅沢な朝食。
1) Buy the seafood you want from the market. (This time I bought shrimp, tuna, salmon roe and sea urchin)
2) For 300 yen (2.94 $US) you can buy plain or vinegared rice and miso soup.
3) Place the seafood you bought on the rice and you have yourself an original bowl! A luxurious breakfast of as much seafood as you like.
14:00 昼食:絶品味噌ラーメン – 14:00, Lunch, Amazing Miso Ramen
気仙沼に入った辺りで昼食を食べたかったのだが 津波の被害でまだ建物がなかなか見つけられなかった。 そこで見つけたのが 「ココサカエル」(「ここ栄える」か「此処さ帰る」の意味)という名の 仮設商店街の「一凜」という中華料理屋だった。
I had wanted to have lunch by the time I had gotten to Kesennuma city though thanks to the tsunami there weren’t many buildings to be found. Here I did find a Chinese restaurant called Ichirin in a temporary arcade called ‘Kokosakaeru’ (meaning either ‘to flourish here’ or ‘to come back here’).
大変なのにお店を復活させなくても… 正直そんな思いも浮んだが、食べてみて納得!とてもおいしい! この食事を地元の人がおいしそうに食べているのを見ると、ここに必要な店なのだと感じた。
honestly, I though why would you go to such trouble to restore your store? I changed my mind after I had tried it. It was delicious! Seeing how much the locals were enjoying it I felt just how necessary this place was.
17:00 港を照らすK-Port – 17:00, K-Port illuminate the harbor.
気仙沼港に到着。まだ更地や工事中の場所も多くあるが、 気仙沼港にはたくさんの船が停泊していて、港の風景を取り戻しつつあるようだ。 そんな港のすぐ横に黒塗りの斬新なカフェを発見。 それは渡辺謙/Ken Watanabeさんがオーナーの復興支援カフェだった。 設計は(せんだいメディアテークと同じ)伊東豊雄さん。 偶然の出会いを感謝しつつ、旅の疲れを癒した。
I arrive at Kesennuma Port. Though there were still a lot of vacant land and places under construction, the port, filled with moored ships, was beginning to look like a port again. Right beside the port I found a café, daringly painted black. The café, owned by Ken Watanabe, was there helping in the reconstruction. Just like the Sendai Mediatheque it was designed by Toyo Ito. Thankful for the chance discovery, I took a rest from my journey here.
http://www.k-port.org/ https://www.facebook.com/k.port.kesennuma
18:00 気仙沼「福よし」 – 18:00, Kesennuma ‘Fukuyoshi’
数日前から予約を入れておいた「福よし」で 2日目の夕飯を食べた。 カーナビで指示された場所に店はなく、慌ててインターネットで調べると 津波の被害に遭われ、道路の向かい側に新しいお店を設けられたばかりだった。 カウンターに通され、大将との会話が弾む。 魚の部位の細かいところや、おいしい食べ方を教えてくれながら 売り物ではないが、食べられる部位を出してくれたり。カウンターでお得なことがたくさんあった。
I had dinner on Day 2 at Fukuyoshi, for which I had made reservations for a few days earlier. There was no restaurant at the place my car’s GPS had guided me to. Panicked I looked it up on the internet to find it had been destroyed by the tsunami and had recently been relocated to the other side of the road. I was seated at the counter bar and was soon deep in conversation with the chef. He served me parts of the fish not normally sold while telling me about in detail the different cuts of fish and different ways to eat them. There were a lot of good points to eating at the counter.
今までで最高においしい「金目鯛」を食べ、楽しい夕食の時間を過ごした。 予約必須のお店だ。是非予約して行ってみてほしい。
It was an enjoyable meal, eating the most delicious red snapper I have ever had up till now. Though this restaurant requires a reservation I highly recommend it.
【Writer】Tokyo de Asobo:Yoshida