東北三県の旅 – 奇跡の一本松へ My Trip Through 3 Prefectures of the Touhoku Region – Towards the Miraculous Lone Pine.東北三県の旅 – 奇跡の一本松へ My Trip Through 3 Prefectures of the Touhoku Region – Towards the Miraculous Lone Pine.

0.はじめに / Introduction
1.放射線測定器を買ってみた / I Bought a Radiation Detector
2.福島-津波と原発 / Fukushima Tsunami and Nuclear Power Plant
4.宮城-岩手 奇跡の一本松へ / The Scenery from the train from Miyagi to Iwate.
2日目朝 7:00 – Day 2, Morning, 7:00
I left the house that I had been staying in, and once again headed for the ocean.
8:00 塩釜市 – 8:00 Shiogama City
There was a big boat moored in Shiogama port, packed with people having a good time fishing.
This place was also hit quite hard by the tsunami, but to me, who doesn’t know how things looked before, it looked just as peaceful as they always was. I decided to continue heading north towards the coast, using this port as a starting point.
9:00 松島 – 9:00, Matsushima
about Matsushima:wikipedia
In Matsushima, possibly because it was GW, the paths with souvenir stalls were bustling with tourists to the point they were congested (golden week, a 7 day long string of public holidays from late April to early May). We moved away from the hustle and bustle to an elevated area known as ‘Saigyomodoshi Matsu’, the Westward Returning Pine.
The view from here was amazing, you can see all of Matsushima. As busy with tourists as it is right now, it’s almost impossible to imagine that the tsunami came through here.
10:30 東松島 浜市小学校近く – 10:30, Near East Higashi Matsushima Near Hamaichi Elementary School.
I came to Higashi Matsushima.
When I looked out towards the seaside, I could see again the empty land that I’ve grown somewhat familiar with over the course of my travels. However, this time the size of the space felt bigger than any I had seen up until now. Along the coast from what would have been a pine forest, stood only a few sparsely spread trees.
As I headed for the coast from here, I came across an elementary school. The windows of the ground floor were all broken and the front entrance and windows had been braced with boards. Seeing this told me that the tsunami must have hit here hard, though I was relieved to read in this web article that the students were unharmed. (http://www.asahi.com/edu/student/news/TKY201105090120.html)
There were new houses popping up amongst the empty land. It looks like they’re being lived in so I assume people are occupying them. I get the feeling that there is something here stopping them from just moving away from this area even though they’re aware of the dangers.
海沿いの小さな町 – A Small Town On the Coast.
その後も石巻港、女川町、雄勝町 など海側の町を巡った。
I later visited a number of coastal towns such as; Port Ishinomaki, Onagawa and Ogatsu.
▼女川町の津波到達時の動画 – tsunami hitting Onagawa
Of course, these aren’t towns that appear often in the news but please don’t forget these small coastal towns also experienced the same things.
They may just be small towns but that reality that an entire town no longer exists, something that most people wouldn’t even be able to think about in their everyday life, can been seen here as far as the eye can see.
When I see that now the rubble is being cleared and large machinery prepare the land, that something is being built here, it makes me want to believe that the recovery effort is making progress. Even so, I can still see a lot of temporary housing. It makes me question, how much has to be done to able to say this place has recovered?
Throughout my journey along the roads there were signs marking areas as inundation zones.
Even if you consider its distance from the far off ocean and how well maintained this place is, I could still feel the reality of the tsunami damage. It’s seems the signs were put here to tell people that the area floods on a regular basis and to help with evacuation efforts.It made me, someone with no local understanding of the area, completely aware of the tsunami damage here.
12:40 釜谷 大川小学校 偶然立ち寄る – 12:40, A Coincidental Visit to Okawa Elementary School in Kamaya.
This time I had no real plan for my journey, aside from wanting to head north. Even so I naturally came across a number places that were often covered in the media.
While I was heading north, I ended up going the wrong way as I was following a car in front of me. Though by the time I realised this it was too late to turn around.

What stood before me was Okawa Elementary School, the place that I had seen most frequently covered in the news on the earthquake. Many of the students had died, and even now the lawsuits against the school and the council by their relatives still continue.
大川小学校 / Okawa Elementary School / Okawa Elementary School
15:00南三陸町防災対策庁舎 – 15:00, The Minamisanriku Disaster Prevention Government Office
I also came across here by chance as I was heading north.
In the middle of some empty land stood the steel frame of a building. Two or three kilometres (1.2-1.8 miles) from the ocean and the tsunami still reached the roof of this 3 story building. I had seen plenty of media coverage on the tragedy that happened here. I moved on unable to bare the sight.
15:50 陸前高田 奇跡の一本松 – 15:50, Rikuzentakata, Towards the Miraculous Lone Pine.
Keeping in mind the time I had left, I decided on this journey I would only go as far north as Rikuzentakata City in the Iwate prefecture.
奇跡の一本松 / Towards to Miraculous Lone Pine.

The lone pine tree that stands here is no longer alive.
Being preserved artificially, it remains as a symbol of the recovery efforts.
It’s a painful sight to see the tree being kept alive by passing sap through its trunk. Though after my journey I can understand the idea of wanting to turn the miracle that from a pine forest of 70,000 trees a single tree remains into something to joyous even if only a little.
19:00 ホテル一景閣 – 19:00, The Hotel Ikkeikaku.
At the end of Day 2 I stayed in a hotel in Kesennuma, called the Hotel Ikkeikaku.

To introduce it as ‘one of the few remaining buildings in the area’ would not be too far from the truth. As I could see from the window in my room there was nothing in the surrounding area. Later I learned that this hotel was as a refuge for many people from the area at the time of the tsunami.
he tsunami had reach up to the 3rd floor.
Floors 1 and 2 had being neatly remodelled.
I had breakfast on the 2nd floor.
After staying the night in Kesennuma, Day 3 saw me returning the car to Sendai station and returning
to Tokyo on the Shinkansen.
まとめ – Summary
This journey evoked a lot of emotions in me.
Even though set out with no real plan, throughout this journey I experienced the tsunami’s destruction in the places I visited. Even now the people of the Touhoku region are going about their daily lives amongst the scarred scenery left behind by the earthquake.
Initially I wondered there was anything I could do to help. Volunteering, holidaying in the Touhoku region to stimulate the economy, or writing an article on the Touhoku region. I thought if I did something I’d be able to help, though things weren’t so simple.
Living in Tokyo, were everything was so normal to the point you’d forget about the earthquake I wasn’t able to imaging the reality of it all.
What I can say is, (Though I think the area near the nuclear plant is dangerous) I would like you to visit the Touhoku region.
Compared to the videos I had seen at the time of the disaster the area has been restored beautifully, even though you can’t tell this from the T.V or internet. Nature’s wrath, the difficulty of living here and the efforts of the local people, I experienced it all.
After having experienced what I have, I feel I have found there are many ways to help and make a real difference.
Three years have passed since the Great Earthquake, there are people who are doing what they can to get on with life and business, be it building anew or setting up temporary buildings, and there are people who are still living in refuge unchanged as they were right after the disaster. I find myself want to support the people who live in this land, not knowing when the next will happen yet not losing to earthquake after earthquake.
News about ‘Oishinbo’
Having returned from overseas to the mass media outrage over the ‘Oishinbo’ comic, I didn’t feel like uploading the next article. Incidentally I don’t have a nose bleed.
【Writer】Tokyo de Asobo:Yoshida
0.はじめに / Introduction
1.放射線測定器を買ってみた / I Bought a Radiation Detector
2.福島-津波と原発 / Fukushima Tsunami and Nuclear Power Plant
4.宮城-岩手 奇跡の一本松へ / The Scenery from the train from Miyagi to Iwate.
2日目朝 7:00 – Day 2, Morning, 7:00
I left the house that I had been staying in, and once again headed for the ocean.
8:00 塩釜市 – 8:00 Shiogama City
There was a big boat moored in Shiogama port, packed with people having a good time fishing.
This place was also hit quite hard by the tsunami, but to me, who doesn’t know how things looked before, it looked just as peaceful as they always was. I decided to continue heading north towards the coast, using this port as a starting point.
9:00 松島 – 9:00, Matsushima
about Matsushima:wikipedia
In Matsushima, possibly because it was GW, the paths with souvenir stalls were bustling with tourists to the point they were congested (golden week, a 7 day long string of public holidays from late April to early May). We moved away from the hustle and bustle to an elevated area known as ‘Saigyomodoshi Matsu’, the Westward Returning Pine.
The view from here was amazing, you can see all of Matsushima. As busy with tourists as it is right now, it’s almost impossible to imagine that the tsunami came through here.
10:30 東松島 浜市小学校近く – 10:30, Near East Higashi Matsushima Near Hamaichi Elementary School.
I came to Higashi Matsushima.
When I looked out towards the seaside, I could see again the empty land that I’ve grown somewhat familiar with over the course of my travels. However, this time the size of the space felt bigger than any I had seen up until now. Along the coast from what would have been a pine forest, stood only a few sparsely spread trees.
As I headed for the coast from here, I came across an elementary school. The windows of the ground floor were all broken and the front entrance and windows had been braced with boards. Seeing this told me that the tsunami must have hit here hard, though I was relieved to read in this web article that the students were unharmed. (http://www.asahi.com/edu/student/news/TKY201105090120.html)
There were new houses popping up amongst the empty land. It looks like they’re being lived in so I assume people are occupying them. I get the feeling that there is something here stopping them from just moving away from this area even though they’re aware of the dangers.
海沿いの小さな町 – A Small Town On the Coast.
その後も石巻港、女川町、雄勝町 など海側の町を巡った。
I later visited a number of coastal towns such as; Port Ishinomaki, Onagawa and Ogatsu.
▼女川町の津波到達時の動画 – tsunami hitting Onagawa
Of course, these aren’t towns that appear often in the news but please don’t forget these small coastal towns also experienced the same things.
They may just be small towns but that reality that an entire town no longer exists, something that most people wouldn’t even be able to think about in their everyday life, can been seen here as far as the eye can see.
When I see that now the rubble is being cleared and large machinery prepare the land, that something is being built here, it makes me want to believe that the recovery effort is making progress. Even so, I can still see a lot of temporary housing. It makes me question, how much has to be done to able to say this place has recovered?
Throughout my journey along the roads there were signs marking areas as inundation zones.
Even if you consider its distance from the far off ocean and how well maintained this place is, I could still feel the reality of the tsunami damage. It’s seems the signs were put here to tell people that the area floods on a regular basis and to help with evacuation efforts.It made me, someone with no local understanding of the area, completely aware of the tsunami damage here.
12:40 釜谷 大川小学校 偶然立ち寄る – 12:40, A Coincidental Visit to Okawa Elementary School in Kamaya.
This time I had no real plan for my journey, aside from wanting to head north. Even so I naturally came across a number places that were often covered in the media.
While I was heading north, I ended up going the wrong way as I was following a car in front of me. Though by the time I realised this it was too late to turn around.

What stood before me was Okawa Elementary School, the place that I had seen most frequently covered in the news on the earthquake. Many of the students had died, and even now the lawsuits against the school and the council by their relatives still continue.
大川小学校 / Okawa Elementary School / Okawa Elementary School
15:00南三陸町防災対策庁舎 – 15:00, The Minamisanriku Disaster Prevention Government Office
I also came across here by chance as I was heading north.
In the middle of some empty land stood the steel frame of a building. Two or three kilometres (1.2-1.8 miles) from the ocean and the tsunami still reached the roof of this 3 story building. I had seen plenty of media coverage on the tragedy that happened here. I moved on unable to bare the sight.
15:50 陸前高田 奇跡の一本松 – 15:50, Rikuzentakata, Towards the Miraculous Lone Pine.
Keeping in mind the time I had left, I decided on this journey I would only go as far north as Rikuzentakata City in the Iwate prefecture.
奇跡の一本松 / Towards to Miraculous Lone Pine.

The lone pine tree that stands here is no longer alive.
Being preserved artificially, it remains as a symbol of the recovery efforts.
It’s a painful sight to see the tree being kept alive by passing sap through its trunk. Though after my journey I can understand the idea of wanting to turn the miracle that from a pine forest of 70,000 trees a single tree remains into something to joyous even if only a little.
19:00 ホテル一景閣 – 19:00, The Hotel Ikkeikaku.
At the end of Day 2 I stayed in a hotel in Kesennuma, called the Hotel Ikkeikaku.

To introduce it as ‘one of the few remaining buildings in the area’ would not be too far from the truth. As I could see from the window in my room there was nothing in the surrounding area. Later I learned that this hotel was as a refuge for many people from the area at the time of the tsunami.
he tsunami had reach up to the 3rd floor.
Floors 1 and 2 had being neatly remodelled.
I had breakfast on the 2nd floor.
After staying the night in Kesennuma, Day 3 saw me returning the car to Sendai station and returning
to Tokyo on the Shinkansen.
まとめ – Summary
This journey evoked a lot of emotions in me.
Even though set out with no real plan, throughout this journey I experienced the tsunami’s destruction in the places I visited. Even now the people of the Touhoku region are going about their daily lives amongst the scarred scenery left behind by the earthquake.
Initially I wondered there was anything I could do to help. Volunteering, holidaying in the Touhoku region to stimulate the economy, or writing an article on the Touhoku region. I thought if I did something I’d be able to help, though things weren’t so simple.
Living in Tokyo, were everything was so normal to the point you’d forget about the earthquake I wasn’t able to imaging the reality of it all.
What I can say is, (Though I think the area near the nuclear plant is dangerous) I would like you to visit the Touhoku region.
Compared to the videos I had seen at the time of the disaster the area has been restored beautifully, even though you can’t tell this from the T.V or internet. Nature’s wrath, the difficulty of living here and the efforts of the local people, I experienced it all.
After having experienced what I have, I feel I have found there are many ways to help and make a real difference.
Three years have passed since the Great Earthquake, there are people who are doing what they can to get on with life and business, be it building anew or setting up temporary buildings, and there are people who are still living in refuge unchanged as they were right after the disaster. I find myself want to support the people who live in this land, not knowing when the next will happen yet not losing to earthquake after earthquake.
News about ‘Oishinbo’
Having returned from overseas to the mass media outrage over the ‘Oishinbo’ comic, I didn’t feel like uploading the next article. Incidentally I don’t have a nose bleed.
【Writer】Tokyo de Asobo:Yoshida